Programs & Courses

travel coach certification course

The Travel Coach Certification Program

Become a Certified Travel Coach accredited by the International Coach Federation (ICF). This all-in-one program focuses on 3 main areas: business development, how to be a coach trained underthe ICF’s core competencies, and how to incorporate YOUR interests, passion, skills, & expertise of TRAVEL into your business. The TCCP comes with 9 modules, workbooks, and live on-going monthly group coaching sessions.


View our payment options here!

TCN Membership Club

TCN Membership Club

The TCN Membership Club is an opportunity to gain access to educational resources, trainings, and tools to learn more about Travel Coaching and to grow your Travel Coaching business. Learn more about the various exclusive opportunities and perks that you get inside of our membership club.


Monthly or Yearly prices are here!

getting started as a travel coach

El Programa de Certificación Travel Coaching en Español

Conviértete en un Travel Coach Certificado acreditado por la International Coach Federation (ICF).

Este programa de certificación se centra en 3 áreas principales: desarrollo empresarial, cómo ser un coach formado bajo las competencias clave de la ICF, y cómo incorporar TUS intereses, pasiones, habilidades y experiencia en VIAJES a tu negocio.

El TCCP incluye 9 módulos, manuales de trabajo y sesiones trimestrales de coaching grupal en vivo.


Ver el precio aquí.

getting started as a travel coach

El Programa de Certificación Travel Coaching en Español

Conviértete en un Travel Coach Certificado acreditado por la International Coach Federation (ICF).

Este programa de certificación se centra en 3 áreas principales: desarrollo empresarial, cómo ser un coach formado bajo las competencias clave de la ICF, y cómo incorporar TUS intereses, pasiones, habilidades y experiencia en VIAJES a tu negocio.

El TCCP incluye 9 módulos, manuales de trabajo y sesiones trimestrales de coaching grupal en vivo.


Ver el precio aquí.

economy class membership

Introduction to Travel Coaching

Get your FREE Travel Coach Workbook, Travel Coaching 101 Training, Beginner’s Guide to Travel Coaching, and other travel coach resources.


Get it here for FREE!

ultimate travel business planner

Printable & Digital Ultimate Travel Business Planner PDF Bundle + Bonus

Have a Travel Business or just starting one? You will need this Ultimate Travel Business Planner Bundle! This 98-page planner bundle is geared towards travel business owners as in understanding the trends and needs of the tourism industry. Designed by a wanderlust turned CEO, this planner will help you gain clarity and focus for your travel business as well as inspire you to think bigger financially and strategically.


View our price here!

ultimate travel business planner

Hard Copy Ultimate Travel Business Planner + Bonus

Purchase a physical hard copy of the business planner to be shipped to your home anywhere in the world.


Price depends on shipping location. View here!

1 hour coaching session

1-Hour Private Business Coaching Session with Sahara Rose

This is your opportunity to work with me 1 on 1 in a private 1-hour coaching session. This session is up to you on how you want to use the 1 hour based on what you need help with. That could be brainstorming ideas, getting feedback, assessing you business plan, marketing and messaging, getting media opportunities, and more.


$99 for the hour (Usually $120)