How the TCN is the Ultimate Blend of a Network and Community

When it comes to deciding to start a travel business, it’s easy to glamorize it. Creating your own schedule, being your own boss and not having to answer to anyone sounds amazing, right? 

The reality is that entrepreneurship can be a really lonely venture, especially when done remotely in a people-oriented industry like Tourism & Hospitality. It’s only natural that travel business owners long for a support system as they face their day-to-day challenges. 

A support system usually evolves through a community and network. So, what’s the difference between the two and why do entrepreneurs need both? The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines community as “a body of persons or nations having a common history or common social, economic, and political interests”, whereas a network can be described as “a usually informally interconnected group or association of persons (such as friends or professional colleagues)”. 

Through the Travel Coach Network, we foster both a community and a network by bringing people together who are powered by a passion for travel and are looking to channel that passion through entrepreneurship. A foundation of common belief creates a sense of belonging through interaction, resulting in embraced vulnerability and well-rounded support. 

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Free Economy Class TCN Membership: Learn About Travel Coaching

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Click here to get access to the FREE TCN Membership!

The Economy Class Membership for the Travel Coach Network includes:

– Travel Coaching 101 Masterclass
– Travel Coach Workbook
– Downloadable Beginner’s Guide to Travel Coaching

Travel Coaches Share a Common Belief

At the core of the Travel Coach Network, all of our members believe travel is a powerful tool for helping people thrive in various areas of their personal and work life including their well-being, relationships, mindset and more. They know this to be true because they have experienced it firsthand as travelers themselves and want to help others embrace it too. 

Creating a Sense of Belonging

The Travel Coach Network is a place where your victories are celebrated, whether they be media wins or completing the Travel Coach Certification Program. This creates a sense of belonging that extends far beyond just being a Facebook group member or a transaction number. 

“Despite all of our differences, we are a lot more alike than we think. We crave similar things as humans such as love, safety, shelter, food, water, but also a sense of belonging, trust, and acceptance”, our CEO and founder Sahara Rose De Vore explains in her recent Tedx Talk, “How Embracing Travel Can Help Build United Communities”.

All members of The Travel Coach Network also share a common desire to disrupt the travel industry’s status quo by bringing different strengths, skills and ideas to this mission.

Starting the Conversation

TCN members are encouraged to engage with one another by working in accountability groups and interacting in the free Facebook group. Our Travel Coach Certification Program students and graduates get additional opportunities to connect with one another through the private Travel Coach Entrepreneur Facebook group as well as via monthly module discussions. 

It’s all about having those conversations that can inspire others to get out of their comfort zone, break their daily routine and have new experiences of their own.” – Sahara Rose De Vore

These opportunities for interaction allow our travel coaches to build upon their sense of belonging, naturally creating ways for them to collaborate, exchange resources and point each other in the right direction. This type of value and passion-based networking lends itself to people opening up and being vulnerable, an essential aspect of a strong community. 

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Embracing Vulnerability

When you are amongst other people navigating their business journeys too, vulnerability is a natural part of the experience. Many TCN members find that they get the most out of the community by sharing their challenges and struggles and asking for help as they build their businesses. 

“Travel is such a powerful tool in that it exposes us to different people and cultures, putting us in a vulnerable place where we are almost forced to put our trust in others.” – Sahara Rose De Vore

Not only do we encourage our members to share what they need support with, but we also help them take action by addressing barriers like imposter syndrome and limiting beliefs both in conversation and in the Travel Coach Certification Program. 

Offering Well-Rounded Support

By covering a wide variety of topics, TCN members are able to support each other by offering advice, sharing opportunities and more that help them round out their respective businesses. 

The Travel Coach Network has members from a variety of backgrounds such as law, education and medicine which makes for well-rounded recommendations and opportunities to learn new skills and show up for each other in ways that help fill in any perceived gaps. 

The TCN as a whole also aims to spotlight what our travel coaches are working on, such as encouraging members to post their profiles on our database, being guests on the podcast, becoming global ambassadors or contributing guest posts to our blog. 

This type of action-oriented support allows our travel coaches to lean into communication and feel empowered to take advantage of options that will help them reach their individual and collective goals, ultimately guiding them to grow the travel businesses of their dreams. 

Photo Courtesy: UnSplash

Free Economy Class TCN Membership: Learn About Travel Coaching

Don’t have enough time to read this whole article?

Click here to get access to the FREE TCN Membership!

The Economy Class Membership for the Travel Coach Network includes:

– Travel Coaching 101 Masterclass
– Travel Coach Workbook
– Downloadable Beginner’s Guide to Travel Coaching

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